Minggu, 04 Februari 2018

The best alternative adsense native ads for your blog

The best alternative adsense native ads for your blog

What is an ad if you are a blogger of course you will know usability and to the advantage of ads for blog owners?

Here I will explain a little profit and to the use of ads for your blog, and this in my opinion is an important point so that you fully understand, advertising on the blog of course brings to the advantage for the blog owner,
the blog owner will earn money in the form of money

Where did the money come from?

The money comes from advertisers, whose ads appear on our blog, I'll explain the formula below

A = Advertiser
B = advertising network
C = Publisher

(A) register or create an account in the company (B) and (A) own the company, and his company wants to know many people, while (B) is an advertising company,

Well it means (A) buying traffic to (B) then (A) creating a campaign with a specific target and a certain price

And (C) is a blogger including me and (C) submits a registration to (B) through account creation,

usually (C) must have a website or blog, then blog (C) submitted to (B) this includes all the usual advertising network of blogs that we have will be reviewed first,

If our blog is in accordance with the criteria (B) then our blog will be accepted, but if it does not fit the criteria even its reverse that our blog will be rejected, for more clearly its all advertising network meiliki certain requirements, you can read it on terms and their provisions,

As with adsense, eating adsense registers is hard, but you do not have to worry because there are still many other ad networks, which I will discuss is native ads.

Here's an advertising network service, which you can try, and become their publisher

Adnow also is advertising service natively advertising in the form of advertising and adnow this you can adjust its size in adnow ad settings,

How does adnow ad work?

adnow calculates its payments from the CPM system (cost per mile) and CPC (cost per clik), and the ad price of adnow also varies, just like its other ad networks,

Withdrawal minimum : $20 via paypal

click here or https://goo.gl/hc4jBj to register adnow

2. taboola
This taboola is the most popular advertising network, and this taboola also works with large websites such as MSN, NISSAN and others

3. outbrain
outbrain was no less popular like taboola, outbrain ad format was the same that is native, and calculate, CPC and CPM

4. payclick
payclick is a native advertising network, which is very new once, but payclik also not in doubt because payclik also has many advertisers and publishers, and already millions of ads per day, click here to register payclik
