Senin, 05 Februari 2018

How to use keyword planner for keyword research

keyword planner

what is a keyword planner?

keyword planner is a display planner, for keyword research and to look for advertising ideas, display planner is owned by google, which is often referred to by the word google planner

display planner is very useful to help you reset keywords and get the best and best keywords, a lot of features in this display planner, among them: keywords, ads, advertising prices and much more

how does the display planner work?

In the display planner has been provided various features as I described above, let's start with the display planner,

first kujungi display planner you can click here and you will be redirected to the display planner page as shown below

You select on the menu that says

  1. Tools
  2. Keyword planner
  3. And lastly click on START USING KEYWORD PLANNER like the picture above that I give the red line box, then there will be a new tab appears as in the picture below


It aims if you want to advertise on adwords, but if not you just click "Skip the guided setup" just like the picture above that I marked with red line.

then you will be alhkan to the form page, the contents of the data in accordance with the data yourself

then you will be transferred to the form page, the contents of the data in accordance with your data laslu save, then you are brought to your adwords dashboar,
please go back to the previous page, and do the same and click "START USING KEYWORD PLANNER" this time you will be transferred to the keyword research page, as shown below:
Description of the picture above

  1. Search for new keywords using a phrase, website or category : (allows you to reset keywords from websites or categories)
  2. Get search volume data and trends : ( allows you to reset keywords from a trend keyword in google search engine )
  3. Multiply keyword lists to get new keywords : ( You can reset keywords from a new keyword )
which I do and suggest that (no 2) click on (no 2) as shown below, and you will be diverted to the research page

Enter your keywords to search in the top column, and move up the volume volume, and you will be redirected to the result page of the keyword you entered, as shown below:
There you can reset keywords and search for keywords, to make the content on your blog, On the page there are also many navigation that you can use to carry out keyword research,

if you are confused and want to ask please comment and attach screenshots in comment page that I have provided
