Rabu, 07 Februari 2018

Setup nodejs installation on full computer

Setup js node installation on full computer

What is nodejs..?

node js is a framework to assist you in completing a programming, with a cyber system

this software you can use for free, with outstanding features, and can be used on various computers, how to install it see the guide below:
  • visit nodejs.org
  • you will see a snapshot of the image below

nodejs website
there you will see the version but the system just the same different features
  1. TLS function for most users
  2. Current function for lastest features
i suggest to choose tls version and do download

Installaton step 1

Step 1
Nodejs step 2

click next and next until finish

and click finish
next check what nodejs is installed how to open CMD terminal and type command below on your CMD
node -v   (and enter)
until it shows the nodejs version installed on your computer as shown below
your nodejs version success installed on computer
if displaying like the picture above means nodejs, you can use it on your computer
