Rabu, 07 Februari 2018

Build fast mobile applications using ionic

What is ionic ..?

ionic is a framework to help you speed up development in mobile application development

ionic allows you to build mobile applications quickly, and of course its easy, in this article I will help you to create applications, using ionic framework, here's how:
  • install nodejs
Read also : how install node.js

after nodejs installed open CMD then type the command as below:
npm install -g cordova ionic
installation will run and wait until it finishes, will look like the picture below:
Continue to the creation of his application type command as below:
ionic start myApp tabs
description to see ionic type you can see picture below:
ionic type
Create an Ionic App using one of our ready-made app templates, or a blank one to start fresh. Check out the Market for more designs.

For v1 projects, use the --type ionic1 flag.

it depends on you what type you want to install, on your ionic project eg: (ionic start myApp blank) will make the allik form of blank,

here i will membat ionic: ionic start myApp sidemenu

ionic start myApp sidemenu

and the result will be: ionic sidemenu
to view your project on the following server in CMD

cd myApp

ionic serve

the server will automatically run and display your ionic
that's the first step install ionic, do not hesitate to ask and attach screenshots, in the comments provided
