Minggu, 04 Februari 2018

How to research keywords for search engine optimization

How to research keywords for search engine optimization
How to research keywords to optimize blog traffic that we have, and our blog easily indexed by search engines?

Glad I can share for you hopefully this article can help you optimize your blog on search engines, so that your blog easily found by others

Before discussing to the next stage there are some important points to know related, search keywords include:

  1. Quality of content
  2. Image quality
  3. Quality of paragraphs
  4. Display the theme of the blog
Let's review one by one of what I mentioned above

Quality of content
Quality of content Quality content is very important for the growth of our blog, and the quality of the content above all on the blog, this includes the way of writing, words, submission of sentences, paragraphs of articles, and others.

Image quality
image quality is also very important image quality and I suggest you make an interesting image for your blog

Quality of paragraphs
I mean in the quality of the paragraph that is from the way of writing your blog, it aims to make your blog easy to read and understood, this includes the way penyampai sentence to the visitor eg:

You make the sentence (A) about how to make the cake, of course, it will start from 1-2-3 and the next stage

From that stage make the sentence in step (1) to step (2) using sentence separator line, that is empty the middle of sentence (1) and sentence (2), so that blog visitors can breathe while reading your article, see sample picture below
Display the theme of the blog
Next you need to consider is the look of your blog, I suggest you choose a neat theme utuk your blog, the reason if your theme is a mess, blog visitors will not like it,

How to reset keywords using keyword planner?
There can do various activities and keyword research on display planer, lots of keywords that you can make an idea to create an article,

you can visit her here

You need to know one quality article is more important than 1000 articles are mediocre then the advice of me please make an article that, original, neat, and do not copy someone else's article

Also read how to reset keywords using keyword planner
