Senin, 05 Februari 2018

What is the difference between hosted and non hosted adsense

What is the difference between hosted and non hosted adsense

What is adsense hosted and non hosted

how many types of adsense account ?, and you must understand it one by one, and you also have to know its functions

here I will tell about that type, I hope there is a time to read it, so you understand tenteng difference from these two adsense account.

Adsense hoted

hosted account
Hosted Adsense Account is an Adsense account that allows publishers to serve Google ads only on Google-hosted domains or Google partner platforms like on blogspot blogs, YouTube, and so on, such as on your custom domains like .com, .net, info, etc.

You can get a Hosted Adsense account by registering or signing up through Google's proprietary platform like YouTube and beyond.

The Hosted Adsense account is obviously recognizable by a clearly written Red Hosted Account on the top right hand side of the Adsense publisher's dashboard. like the picture above

Non-Hosted Adsense Account
Non-Hosted Adsense Account
Non-Hosted Adsense Account
Unassigned AdSense accounts are accounts that allow publishers to monetize their webpage content with Google ads on platforms according to Adsense policies you can think of including but not limited to your own custom domain, forums web pages etc.

Non-host Adsense account can be obtained by registering directly through the Google Adsense page and by submitting the domain you want to show ads.

In the dashboard of an non-hosted AdSense Account, you will not find a red written Hosted Account in the top right corner like the picture above

So that's the main difference you need to know about your Hosted and not hosted Adsense account.

Other things you may want to know about hosted and un hosted AdSense accounts are the following;

Cost per Click (CPC), PageRevenue per thousand impression (PRPM) and all other parameters are the same in both accounts and are calculated the same way. So do not think that with any account that will earn more, because earnings are the same in both accounts.

You can upgrade a hosted account to an unposted account by submitting an upgrade and a review request directly from your Adsense dashboard and with a custom domain that you will use to use an unposted account. You can do this once and if approved, you will no longer have to submit another domain before continuing your Google ad code to some appropriate Adsense policy web pages.

Finally, always take note that you can get enough with Adsense if you have decent traffic to your page and if you also know your onions well.
