Senin, 05 Februari 2018

Steps to maximize revenue from ads infolinks

Steps to maximize revenue from ads infolinks

What is infolinks?

Infolink is a very popular advertising network among the internet, and infolinks is also the best ad network to make money from your blog.

How does infolinks work?

We display ads infolinks, and we will be paid when infoliks ads appear on our blog, and clicked by blog visitors,

infolinks stood since 2007 and now a lot of advertisers who advertise on infolinks, and one of his well-known websites such as facebook, and infolinks also clicked on millions of ads per day on the internet,

revenue system obtained from infolinks CPC (cost per click) and the price of its ad clicks also berpariasi, between 0.01 to 0.2 depending on the ads in tamilkan on our blog,

how ads infolinks appear on our blog?

the following examples of ad infolinks that appear on our blog:

And the following types of views owned infolinks

  • InText
  • InFold
  • InTag
  • InFrame
  • InScreen
  • inarticle
  • inframe
  • inscreen
For more details please see the picture below

Infolinks ad format
How to maximize your earnings you must enable all ad formats from infolinks,

How do we make a withdrawal balance?

we can make withdrawal through: wire transfer, paypal, payoneer, and hold my payment. with a minimum of $ 100.00

so what are you waiting to just register here

read also: how to list infolinks and get an account fully approved
