Sabtu, 03 Februari 2018

How to speed up loading blog or website

How to speed up loading blog or website
Blogs are where people share their news, information, and more

Suppose we are looking for articles on how to make a cake, or looking for business way articles, you need to know that blog is the source of information online

Sometimes you access a blog that is very slow loading it, maybe you will be annoyed, "of course"

Likewise others when accessing your blog if your blog is slow other people will also feel annoyed,

But you do not have to worry here I will give his way to your blog so much faster and light, just go to his tutorial
  1. Login to blogger
  2. Template
  3. Edit html
  4. And Searh code </body> then paste the code below before the code </ body>

<script type = 'text / javascript'> // <! [CDATA [
(b) {var c = {threshold: 0, failurelimit: 0, event: "scroll", effect: "show", container: window}; if (b) {a.extend (c, b)} var d = this; if ("scroll" == c.event) {a (c.container) .bind ("scroll", function (b) {var e = 0; d.each (function () {if (a.abovethetop (this, c) || ​​a.leftofbegin (this, c)) {} else if (! a.belowthefold (this, c) & amp; & amp; a. rightoffold (this, c)) {a (this) .trigger ("appear")} else {if (e ++> c.failurelimit) {return false}}}); var f = a.grep (d, function (a ) {return! a.loaded}); d = a (f)})} this.each (function () {var b = this; if (undefined == a (b) .attr ("original")) { a (b) .attr ("original", a (b) .attr ("src"))} if ("scroll"! = c.event || undefined == a (b) .attr ("src") || c.placeholder == a (b) .attr ("src") || a.abovethetop (b, c) || ​​a.leftofbegin (b, c) || ​​a.belowthefold (b, c) || a.rightoffold (b, c)) {if (c.placeholder) {a (b) .attr ("src", c.placeholder)} else {a (b) .removeAttr ("src")} b.loaded = false} else {b.loaded = true} a (b) .one ("appear", function () {if (! this.loaded) {a (""). bind ("load", function () { a (b) .hide (). attr ("src", a (b) .attr ("original")) [c.effect] (c.eff ectspeed); b.loaded = true}). attr ("src", a (b) .attr ("original"))}}); if ("scroll"! = c.event) {a (b). bind (c.event, function (c) {if (! b.loaded) {a (b) .trigger ("appear")}})}}); a (c.container) .trigger (c.event) ; return this}; a.belowthefold = function (b, c) {if (c.container === undefined || c.container === window) {var d = a (window) .height () + a ( window) .scrollTop ()} else {var d = a (c.container) .offset (). top + a (c.container) .height ()} return d = a (b) .offset (). left + c.threshold + a (b) .width ()}; a.extend (a.expr [":"], {"below-the-fold": "$. belowthefold (a, {threshold: 0, container: window}) "," above-the-fold ":"! $ belowthefold (a, {threshold: 0, container: window}) "," right-of-fold ":" $. rightoffold (a, {threshold : 0, container: window}) "," left-of-fold ":"! $. Rightoffold (a, {threshold: 0, container: window}) "})}) (jQuery); $ (function () {$ ("img") .lazyload ({placeholder: "", effect: "fadeIn", threshold: " -50 "})}) //]]> </ script>
And save your template and try to reload your blog
Note: this is a lazyload plugin
