Jumat, 09 Februari 2018

How to make permanent disqus comments in blogger?

How to make permanent disqus comments in blogger?
Disqus adalalah social media and disqus very popular once, disqus is the trend to make comentar in blogs,

In this tutorial I will give you how to make permanent disqus comments for your blogger,

we just start it:

  1. Log in to blogger
  2. Templates
  3. Edit html and find the code
 <b:includable id='comments' var='post'>
Then you collapse the code until as below
<b:includable id='comments' var='post'>…</b:includable>
After that remove the line of code and replace with code below

 <b:includable id='comments' var='post'>
  <div class='comments' id='comments'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
                var disqus_shortname = &quot;username_disqus&quot;;
                var disqus_blogger_current_url = &quot;<data:blog.canonicalUrl/>&quot;;
                if (!disqus_blogger_current_url.length) {
                    disqus_blogger_current_url = &quot;<data:blog.url/>&quot;;
                var disqus_blogger_homepage_url = &quot;<data:blog.homepageUrl/>&quot;;
                var disqus_blogger_canonical_homepage_url = &quot;<data:blog.canonicalHomepageUrl/>&quot;;
             (function() {
                        var bloggerjs = document.createElement(&quot;script&quot;);
                        bloggerjs.type = &quot;text/javascript&quot;;
                        bloggerjs.async = true;
                        bloggerjs.src = &quot;//&quot;+disqus_shortname+&quot;.disqus.com/blogger_item.js&quot;;
                        (document.getElementsByTagName(&quot;head&quot;)[0] || document.getElementsByTagName(&quot;body&quot;)[0]).appendChild(bloggerjs);
                (function() {
                    var bloggerjs = document.createElement(&quot;script&quot;);
                    bloggerjs.type = &quot;text/javascript&quot;;
                    bloggerjs.async = true;
                    bloggerjs.src = &quot;//&quot;+disqus_shortname+&quot;.disqus.com/blogger_index.js&quot;;
                    (document.getElementsByTagName(&quot;head&quot;)[0] || document.getElementsByTagName(&quot;body&quot;)[0]).appendChild(bloggerjs);

Note: replace 'USERNAME DISQUS' with your username disqus, then save and see the results
