Kamis, 15 Februari 2018

How to install disqus coment system in blogger

Hello friend After long time i am sharing a blogger tutorial with you. I think you're familiar with Disqus comment! Yes guys,

Disqus is one of the best popular commenting system nowadays. In this tutorial i will show you how to add disqus comment on blogger. It may bring another beauty of your blog. Disqus give you various features and these are free.

Some friends requested me for this tutorial. In this article, step by step i detailed about Blogger Disqus comment. It has great design and spam filter. I think it is the best spam protection comment system ever. It is also mobile friendly comment system.

Day after day Discus Comment enhances their features. Only those who provide real-time discussion opportunities. Here are some features of Discuss comments system.

  • Threaded comments
  • Real-Time Discussion
  • Spam control
  • Social Signage
  • Easy to sing
  • User Analysis and History
  • And much more
How install disqus?

At first Sign Up to Diqus. You can also register with your social profile (Facebook, Twitter, Google+) or with your email. After that, you will select your Name, email and password. After giving your Name, Email and Password then click Sing Up Button.

Do not forget to verify your email

you can visit her through broswer like picture below

click on the disqus marked red then you will be transferred to the next page as shown below.
if you do not have an account please register but if already have an account please login
or use social media like facebook google or twitter
I want to install Disqus on my site
and creat new site

website name : your website or blog name category : cose your category
 Select your plane

and select your platfroms example blogger

Step by step install

See documentation here : https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/888340-manually-adding-a-disqus-gadget-to-blogger
