How to create web on localhost..?
Localhost server creation can be done with the help of software, and text editor, localhost very useful for develoers, which is making website project, design template, and others related to server and database.
how to install localhost on computer?
you can do that, because at this time a lot of localhost server and localhost software that can use, and install on your computer
and in this article I will share how to install localhost server using xampp, before hau tau dahlu xampp first feature and how it works.
- Apache
- phpMyAdmin
- FileZilla FTP Server
- Tomcat
- XAMPP Control Panel
how to install it?
1. visit his official website or click here, if any search through the search engine you will see an image like below:
You just click the red mark, as above, and you will be taken to the xampp page,
select one of the operations on the computer that you use, if windows then select windows, and others like the picture below,
Download it immediately as shown below
The next step to install on the computer, just click next and next to finish, if it happens, pop up as below: just click allow access
it is a sign of your installation is complete, then it depends on what projects there are working eg website creation, theme creation and others
- Baca juga cara install wordpres di localhost
- Cara pembuatan database di php my admin localhost