Kamis, 08 Februari 2018

How to combine html theme with codeigniter

what is codeigniter

codeigniter is a web framework that allows you to create web quickly and easily, and here I will blend you for it

The thing you need to prepare for web framework creation is
  • Codeigniter
  • HTML template
Next setup import codeigniter to your project's localhost if you use xampp import codeigniter to C: \ xampp\htdocs\

Open codeigniter with your extract tool
extract to C: \ xampp\htdocs\
Edit the name of the codeigniter default folder to make it easier for you to create urls
I edit his name using web2 it's up to you what is important is easy to remember
enable xampp control panel and open the browser
Note : web2 edit to project
Next import the asset you downloaded to the main directory and name the folder with assets
Note: depending on the theme you use to be assets can be more or less
create new folder with assets name,
in that folder contains css, javascript and others
copy the default index.html folder of the theme to the welcome_message.php file

open folder C:\xampp\htdocs\web2\application\config\config.php and edit base_url
replace the name of your project
$config['base_url'] = 'http://localhost/web2/';
to call css and design use following code
<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/

edit template in autoload.php and edit code:
$autoload['helper'] = array( );
$autoload['helper'] = array('url');

if you need questions please ask and attach screenshots
